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Solar & Battery


Installing a new solar system will allow you to produce your own electricity, cutting down on your bill and earning you credits. We can supply and install a wide range of systems, large and small, to suit your power needs and budget. Call or email us to get a quote for a new system today.


Along with your system, we can install a range of battery options. Batteries allow you to store electricity generated from your system during the day and use it a night. Allowing you to use the cheaper solar energy as oppose to to drawing from the grid.

Off Grid Options

We can also install complete off grid systems for remote areas. These will use solar and battery systems, with a generator back up, to meet your power needs. Removing the need for a grid connection.


Is your inverter displaying a fault? Non operational or damaged systems will stop any savings, resulting in higher power bills.

Our electricians can come out, inspect and repair your system, and carry out any maintenance to ensure your system is running at full operation.